Reasons to Consider Poly Furniture

Outdoor living spaces are the perfect extension to our homes, giving us additional square footage and for relaxation, entertaining and family time.

Outdoor living spaces are the perfect extension to our homes, giving us additional square footage and for relaxation, entertaining and family time. One of the most important considerations for your outdoor space is the furniture that you pick. Unlike your indoor furniture, this furniture needs to be able to withstand the elements and the seasons year-round. Poly furniture is an excellent choice for furnishing your outdoor areas. Here are some reasons why.


What you may not know about poly furniture is that it is made from up to 90 percent recycled plastics. When you purchase poly furniture, you are helping to keep plastic out of the landfills. Plus, an added bonus is that you don’t have to use chemicals on your poly furniture to keep it looking nice. No staining, bleaching or chemical stripping is required, a simple wipe down with soap and water is sufficient - that’s a win-win!

Lasts a Lifetime

Poly furniture is highly durable and weather-resistant. It will not mildew or corrode, and can hold its own against sun, saltwater, insects, wind or ice. You will never get a splinter from your poly furniture – the poly resin is the perfect high-performance material for making well-constructed outdoor furniture. The furniture you bring home still retain the same look years later.

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